NVMe VPS Servers In United Kingdom - NVMe Three - [Linux]

4 vCores
150 GB NVMe Drive
8 GB DDR-4 Ram
Unmetered Bandwidth
500 MBPS Connection
1 Instance Backup
1 IPv4 | 1 IPv6

Legacy Operating Systems like CentOS 6, Debian 9, and Ubuntu 18 can be installed using the distribution ISO from the instance control panel.

Choose Billing Cycle

Operating System

Additional IPv4 Blocks & Addresses


Ram Allocation

Disk Space (/sda)

Additional Hard Drive (/sdb)

Connection Speed

Additional IPv6 Addresses

Instance Backups

Instance Snapshots

Configure Server

Additional Information
(required fields are marked with *)

If you have a public SSH key. Enter it here to access your instance without a password

Additional Services